Some things we need to get straight right away.
1. I am 40. This doesn't bother me at all because I find that I am improving with age. I was a lousy teenager, couldn't get laid as a 20-something despite going to college for six years, and spent most of my 30s in a job I really didn't like. Despite this, I find myself in a pretty good place in my life, with a wife who loves me and tolerates most of my quirks, in a job I actually like most days, and in a place where you can get decent take out. At this rate, by the time I'm 80, I should be in excellent shape. Hope I still have enough brain cells left to enjoy it.
2. If I had to change one thing, my wife wouldn't have cancer.
3. If I could change another thing, she still wouldn't have cancer.
4. I have a tattoo of the Chinese symbol for honesty.
5. "Hey Jude" is the best song ever. Debate over.
6. Dave Barry isn't funny. Neither is Jay Leno.
7. I don't do politics. For the record, I'm a fiscally conservative social liberal. I think both parties are screwy and anyone who says they're for one party or the other is afraid of thinking for themselves. Politics are for people who like to argue, and I don't like to argue.
8. I don't do religion. For the record, I am a pro-choice Christian who believes in evolution. If you don't think that's possible, I think you need to open your mind.
9. What are we going to do here? Random outbursts. Little bits of humor. Maybe a movie review or two. Just whatever comes across the doormat of my mind and trickles down the nerve endings to the keyboard until I figure out what I'm doing, if anything.
Hang on, kids. It could get interesting.